Manual Bay Brush

Car wash etiquette

For a smooth and enjoyable car wash experience for everyone, please follow these etiquette guidelines:

Drive Safely: Drive slowly while on the car wash premises, as there are customers, staff, pets and other vehicles moving around.

Follow Instructions: Please adhere to the instructions provided by our attendants and signage.

Equipment Issues:

  • If you encounter any problems with the equipment during business hours, please ask an attendant for assistance. If you can't find an attendant, call the mobile phone number on the equipment you are using, we won't be far away.
  • We’re happy to help you learn how to use the equipment or address any issues.
  • For emergencies after hours, you can contact us by phone. For non-urgent matters or issues outside business hours, SMS is the preferred method of contact.

Be Courteous:

  • Avoid holding up other customers unnecessarily.
  • Do not park at equipment or in bays that you are not actively using.
  • If you wish to dry your vehicle with a cloth or chamois, there is plenty of empty space to park out of the way of other customers.

Keep Areas Clean:

  • Please do not leave a mess. Dispose of your rubbish in the bins provided and clean up any mud or debris.
  • If you need assistance, an attendant can help you clean up and can also provide a broom, brush and shovel, or a shovel for cleaning up mud.

Brush Usage in Manual Wash Bays:

  • Using the brush is at your own risk. Wash the brush thoroughly before use, while all due care is taken to make sure brushes are free of debris that could cause any damage, other customers before you may not be so careful.
  • The brush has soft bristles and isn't the best tool for removing bugs from your vehicle - use the Bug Off and then High Pressure Soap instead.
  • Do not place the brush on the ground or use it to clean dirt or mud from vehicles. First, remove any dirt or mud using High Pressure Soap or High Pressure Rinse, then use the brush on the vehicle.
  • The brush is designed to be used with soap coming out of it - not paying while using the brush means that the brush is not lubricated and any debris on the paintwork is pushed around instead of being lifted off of the paintwork with the foam.

Automatic Washes:

  • The automatic washes aren't great for removing thick mud from vehicles (especially in wheel wells), wash your mud off your vehicle in one of our mud bays first.
  • If you have rubbish or anything that can blow out of your vehicle, please put it in the bin before using the automatic wash.
  • Check your vehicle height with an attendant before you purchase a wash if you are unsure if you'll fit inside the wash bay.

Hand or Bucket Washing: Hand washing and bucket washing are strictly not permitted at our car wash. We are happy to help if your vehicle has exotic or stubborn debris that doesn't want to come off.

Return Equipment: Return all equipment to its designated place after use.